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Consumers want a simpler World they can understand - The new life of a German legacy Brand

Schaub Lorenz

With all the news being grim and frightening people are starting to look for anything that can lighten up their reality. Besides feeling uncomfortable Individuals also feel confused by an ever growing flow of contradicting information.

The developments on a social level have a strong influence on how people perceive products and brands nowadays. Especially in the sector of consumer electronics it is becoming more and more important for manufacturers to have a strong brand authority.

Establishing a brand from scratch is a very costly endeavor. The solution that is lying at hand is to use the power of an established brand instead of taking on the risk of building a new one.

A German Brand with a great Legacy shows the Way

SCHAUB LORENZ has set itself the goal of creating clarity in confusing times. The legacy brand with the legacy of being always innovative for more than 140-years wants to be the guarantor for offering people a standard of living that they can afford.

In order to make the product choices easier, the well-known SCHAUB LORENZ brand has now launched the “The world is becoming simple again” initiative. The aim is to help the consumer save money and be sure to choose a good product.

Be part of our movement joining as a licensee.

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